Mountain Forge Serviceberry Systems
Mountain Forge Serviceberry Systems

Mountain Forge Serviceberry Systems

10,00 €  
IVA incluído.

Natural landscapes loom as sites of collective memory in Ed Steck’s Mountain Forge Serviceberry Systems. They are photo albums, sculptural frames, lines, fractures, declivities, and ascents that humans and non-humans share and to which they bear witness. As repositories of transtemporal experience, Steck’s landscape-poem works through contact and ripple effect, a chain-link of circles and divergent lines, a ragged bulge of phonetic and conceptual footholds. In this lyric place, one partakes of an unraveling landscape – a space of formations grasped as a transformative path. Hurricanes act on geology. Mountains erode. Lines appear, crumble, and re-form. Steck’s poem charts the chipping away of plane and angle to show that names alone withstand cyclonic force.

Editors Isabel Sobral Campos and Rita Sobral Campos
Author Ed Steck
Design ATLAS Projectos
Published by Sputnik & Fizzle in partnership with ATLAS Projectos
1º ed 2022
Pp. 48
ISBN 978-0-9976209-8-6
Language EN