Granular Synthesis: Remixes for Single Screen
Granular Synthesis: Remixes for Single Screen

Granular Synthesis: Remixes for Single Screen

28,80 €  
IVA incluído.

Employing monumental projected images and bludgeoning sound environments, the multimedia installations of Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich mark a new stage in the esthetic of sensory overload.
(Christopher Phillips)Employing monumental projected images and bludgeoning sound environments, the multimedia installations of Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich mark a new stage in the esthetic of sensory overload.
(Christopher Phillips)

MODELL 5 1994-96, 30 min
RESET 2001, 20 min

Total running time 50 min
Extra DVD 20 pages booklet, bilingual English-German